Saturday, November 30, 2019

Introduction Essays (2410 words) - Anterior Compartment Of Thigh

Introduction With the onset of 2000, the average North American's life span has been extended by three years. The predictable consequences are detrimental changes in body composition, including loss of lean body mass, strength, flexibility, and bone density, along with the increase in body weight and body fat. Inactivity with aging is the primary factor in these changes, because physical activity levels are one of the most important factors affecting body composition from childhood through old age. (Adams, K., O'Shea, P., & O'Shea, K. 1999) Our knowledge of the affects of aging on fatigability, endurance, the ability to maintain force and power output is limited, and the few studies that have been performed are inconclusive. It is therefore important to assess these areas to give a more detailed account of muscle fatigue, endurance, and contractibility of aging humans. The results of the studies could prove beneficial in helping to prepare older humans to overcome and enhance his or her ability to live an independent lifestyle. With advancing age, muscle volume is reduced, and the aging atrophy, referred to as "sarcopenia" is accompanied by a decrease in muscle strength. The reduction in muscle strength seems to be equal for both sexes, but women are generally weaker than men throughout all ages. (Lindstrom, B., Lexell, J., Gerdle, B., & Downham, D. 1997) Since gait pattern also changes with age, especially in women, older individuals have an increased risk of falls and hip fractures. However, both arm and leg muscles in aging men and women can adapt successfully to increased use, in particular following periods of heavy resistance training. Physical exercise is therefore, considered beneficial in reducing the risk of muscle atrophy among older humans. (Linstrom, et al., 1997) It has been suggested that once strength declines below certain threshold levels required for activities of daily living, significant functional impairment begins to happen. Along with a change in strength is a change in muscle contractile properties, the peak evoked twitch torque may decline and contractile speed becomes typically slowed in aging humans (Hicks, A. L. & McCartney, N. 1996). The slowing is indicated by prolonged contraction and relaxation times during stimulated contractions. One reason for slowing is thought to be a loss of motor units leading to a loss of type II muscle fibers and a shift toward a slower muscle fiber type. It has been suggested that the slowing of contractile muscle with age can result in a fusion of muscle force at lower motor unit firing rate. Such early ending of force may cause force to be produced at lower frequency of stimulation, this has been speculated to be advantageous during voluntary contraction, resulting in an increase in neural effic iency or a decreased motor drive necessary to produce desired force (Ng, A. V. & Kent-Braun, J. A., 1999). Anatomy & Physiology The study by Hicks and McCartney (1996) purpose was to compare the isometric contractile characteristics and fatigability in the elbow flexors and ankle dorsi flexors in older males and females to determine the affects of almost two years, twice per week weightlifting training. The elbow flexors consist of the biceps brachii, pronator teres (weak flexor), and flexor carpi radialis (synergist); the nerve supply is the median nerve. The Biceps brachii is a two-headed fusiform muscle; the bellies unite as it reaches the insertion point, the tendon of the long head helps to stabilize the shoulder joint. The biceps brachii flexes elbow joint and supinates the forearm; these actions usually occur at the same time (ex. When you open a bottle of wine, it turns the corkscrew and pulls the cork). The Pronator teres is a two-headed muscle that can be seen in superficial view between the proximal margins of brachioradialis and the flexor carpi radialis. This muscle pronates the forearm and is a weak flexor of the elbow. The Flexor carpi radialis runs diagonally across the forearm; midway its fleshy belly is replaced by a flat tendon that becomes cordlike at the wrist; it is a powerful flexor of the wrist, it abducts the hand and is a synergist of elbow flexion. The ankle dorsi flexor muscles consist of the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, peroneus tertius, and the extensor hallucis longus the nerve supply is the deep peroneal nerve. The Tibialis anterior muscle

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Websites Where to Write a Review on a Business to Share Your Experience

5 Websites Where to Write a Review on a Business to Share Your Experience 5 Websites Where to Write a Review on a Business to Share Your Experience When a student enters a college or university, he/she is making a step into the adult world. Of course, while relaxing, having fun, or even dealing with more serious issues, adults want to attend the best places with the best service- and, if possible, the best price. Here are five websites that students can consult for recommendations on where to go as well as the places where to write a review on a business they want to recommend. 1. Trip Advisor If you’re planning a vacation or a trip home to see your parents, or even if you’re going to visit a friend in another city, Trip Advisor is an excellent tool. With the help of it you can find hotels, things to do, restaurants and flights near your location. Here you can book a room and compare prices easily. It also has a plenty of reviews on hotels, attractions, restaurants, etc. The website can help you plan the best and most cost-effective trip. Also, if you have some experience to share, you can tell other people why you liked/disliked a certain place. Who knows, maybe your review will save someone’s trip. 2. Yelp Yelp is a review site that gathers   users’ reviews to compile a wide variety of â€Å"best of† variants near your location. This is the place for anyone wondering where to write a review on a business. In almost every city, Yelp has â€Å"best of† restaurants, shops, colleges, beauty and spa salons, automotive services, etc. You can also search for a specific place, for a Spanish restaurant as an example, and read reviews about it. For each restaurant, Yelp includes a basic profile with information like if they offer delivery or carry-out, if it’s a good place for children, what to wear, and more. The profile also includes directions, the link to the restaurant’s menu, and its working hours. Users also upload photos and other attractions to give you visuals of the particular place. 3. Foursquare As Foursquare’s own website states, it helps you â€Å"find the best places to eat, drink, shop, or visit in any city in the world† The reviews on the site are very short, making them readable and mobile-friendly. Foursquare provides you with information about the places you â€Å"like† on the site, the places you have visited (you can â€Å"check in† at different locations in the Foursquare app), and users whose reviews you trust. It uses your location to give recommendations what to do in the city you are currently in. Using Foursquare is a quick way to get the most relevant recommendations anywhere in the world. 4. Facebook Facebook has pages for different businesses that allow users to leave reviews. When the page is created by the company, people can visit it and leave their feedback. The Business’s page on Facebook includes its address and phone number, as well as its location on the map. Users can upload photos of the place, and Facebook also provides you with a list of similar locations nearby. In case the reviews don’t look great for the business you searched, you can find similar variants   nearby that may offer better service! 5. Angies List Angie’s List is probably the most trustful review site on the Internet. The site is considered to be faithful because of the fact that many Angie’s List’s users have used the site since its paid subscription days. This means that you will mostly find high quality reviews on Angie’s List, and far less fake reviews as on other review sites. Also, because you cannot post anonymously on Angie’s List, reviews are typically more thoughtful, professional, and useful. However, Angie’s List specializes in reviews on service providers, like home and auto repair, health providers, and pet services. This can be a great site if you need to take your dog to the vet, find a doctor in your town, or get your car fixed by someone trustworthy. As you begin your journey into adult life, these sites can serve as useful guides to help you find the best and most affordable businesses and services. All in all, you can always contact our custom writing service.

Friday, November 22, 2019

13 beneficios por entrar al Ejército de Estados Unidos

13 beneficios por entrar al Ejà ©rcito de Estados Unidos Entrar  en cualquiera de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos lleva aparejado, adems del sueldo, una serie de beneficios y, en ocasiones, incentivos suculentos. Este es un asunto de interà ©s para los latinos, nacidos ya en Estados Unidos o migrantes, porque cada vez ms un mayor nà ºmero se alista para a servir en cualquiera de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos. En la actualidad son el 14 por ciento del total de militares en servicio activo, pero la cifra sube al 16 por ciento si se cuentan sà ³lo las nuevas incorporaciones. Y es que el Ejà ©rcito en todas sus ramas –Army (Tierra y Guardia Nacional), Navy (Marina), Air Force (Aire), Coast Guard (Guardia Costera) y Marine Corps (Marines)  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ parece  como una buena alternativa para labrarse un futuro. Las estadà ­sticas indican que esta opcià ³n resulta incluso un poco ms atractiva para las latinas que para los varones hispanos. En la actualidad. el Ejà ©rcito de Estados Unidos es el tercero mayor del mundo en cuanto a personal, solamente despuà ©s de los de China e India. Tiene un total 1.281.900 millones de soldados y oficiales en servicio activo y 801.200 en las 7 Reservas. A todos aplica una serie de beneficios y, en algunos casos, notables incentivos. 13 beneficios por ingresar al Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos Los beneficios son para todos los miembros, aunque algunos especà ­ficos pueden variar segà ºn la rama en la que se ingresa y son los siguientes: 1. Educacià ³n. Existen varios caminos que permiten a los miembros del Ejà ©rcito cursar  estudios universitarios mientras forman parte activa del Army o incluso si se realizan dentro de los 10 aà ±os siguientes a la finalizacià ³n de la relacià ³n con el Ejà ©rcito.   Los programas que permiten esta educacià ³n son: GI Bill, Tuitition Assistance, College Reimbursement Plants e incluso la obtencià ³n de crà ©ditos universitarios por entrenamiento realizado en el Ejà ©rcito.   2. Vacaciones. Tanto soldados como oficiales pueden disfrutar cada aà ±o 30 dà ­as de vacaciones pagadas.   3. Promociones. Una vez que se est en el Ejà ©rcito es posible ascender de rango mediante promociones. Cuando mayor es el rango, mayor es el sueldo. Hay que tener en cuenta que cada una de las ramas militares tiene su propio sistema y que incluso se le puede llamar a los rangos de distinta manera. Sin embargo, el sueldo es igual para cada nivel, sin importa cà ³mo se le llame o si se trata de Marines, Marina (o naval), Aire, Guardia Costera o Tierra. 4. Seguro mà ©dico y dental. Est plenamente cubierto mientras se permanece en servicio activo. 5. Tiendas en las que no se pagan impuestos. Se llaman Commissaries o Exchanges. Existen tres tipos: AAFES, para Aire y Tierra, Nexcom para la Marina y el Marine Corps Exchange. Siempre supone un ahorro, particularmente con artà ­culos caros. 6. Actividades de Recreacià ³n, Moral y Bienestar. Es lo que se conoce como MWR, por sus siglas en inglà ©s. Son actividades que se brindan a los militares y a sus familias. Lo cierto es que son muy variadas y difieren notablemente entre las distintas bases y la rama del Ejà ©rcito en la que se sirve.   7. Inmigracià ³n. Servir en el Ejà ©rcito puede tener beneficios migratorios para la persona que se alista  y tambià ©n para sus familiares. Para el soldado u oficial, destacan la posibilidad de adquirir la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n en condiciones ventajosas, si se trata de un residente permanente. Adems, los familiares indocumentados de un ciudadano que sirve en el Ejà ©rcito podrà ­an beneficiarse del programa Parole in Place para obtener los papeles. Sin embargo, los migrantes indocumentados no deben, bajo ningà ºn concepto, buscar ingresar a una base militar. Se estn dando casos de arrestos y los migrantes quedan a disposicià ³n de las autoridades migratorias. Tener siempre presente quà © extranjeros se pueden alistar  en el Ejà ©rcito y que el programa MAVNI para profesionales extranjeros presentes legalmente en Estados Unidos est, en estos momentos, no activo. Adems, en ningà ºn caso, los migrantes indocumentados pueden enrolarse en ninguna de las ramas militares de Estados Unidos. La excepcià ³n que existà ­a para los muchachos con DACA aprobado llega a su fin con la terminacià ³n del programa por orden ejecutiva del presidente Donald Trump. 8. Bono por firmar, que en la actualidad tiene un mximo legal de $40.000. Es decir, en ningà ºn caso puede ser superior a esa cantidad. Los Marines y el Ejà ©rcito del Aire son los que menos incentivos al firmar ofrecen y, tambià ©n, los de menor monto. Sà ³lo el Ejà ©rcito de Tierra (Army) ha ofrecido incentivos por la cantidad mxima legal. Adems, puede haber bonos complementarios. Por ejemplo, en el Ejà ©rcito de Tierra se podrà ­a calificar para un bono extra por un mximo de $16.000 por incorporarse en menos de 30 dà ­as a partir de la fecha de enrolarse o un mximo de $8,000 por incorporarse entre el dà ­a 31 y el dà ­a 60 despuà ©s de haber firmado. Una à ºltima palabra sobre este tema: si no se cumple todo el periodo para el que se firmà ³ es obligatorio devolver la cantidad que corresponda al tiempo no servido. 9. Pago de prà ©stamo  a estudiante. Todos los servicios excepto los Marines y la Guarda Costera brindan la posibilidad de pagar todo o parte de los prà ©stamos estudiantiles. 10. Rango avanzado, o Advance Enlistment Rank para las personas que tienen crà ©ditos universitarios o han participado en programas como Junior ROTC en High School. 11. Programa Buddy, cuando dos personas del mismo sexo se enrolan juntas se les puede prometer a travà ©s de este programa que estarn juntas durante el entrenamiento bsico. Incluso si posteriormente entrenan para el mismo trabajo, tambià ©n se harà ­a conjuntamente. 12. Programa Split Option en el caso de Guardia Nacional o Reserva, para alargar en el tiempo el entrenamiento bsico.   13. Otros beneficios, como bonos por incorporarse a la reserva, reenganche en ocupaciones especiales, alistarse tras acabar los estudios secundarios, comprometerse a servir en activo por dos aà ±os seguidos por otros dos aà ±os en la reserva, etc. Dà ³nde informarse sobre los beneficios por servir en el Ejà ©rcito Cuando una persona se alista por primera vez o repite firma un contrato con el Departamento de Defensa que se conoce como Form 4/1. Si adems el alistamiento es para el servicio activo, se firmar, a mayores, otro contrato. Lo importante a destacar es que realmente no importa lo que haya prometido el reclutador, si no est en el contrato, no existe. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son los beneficios que se explicaron anteriormente que le corresponden a todas las personas por servir en el Ejà ©rcito: seguro mà ©dico, salario base, GI Bill, alimentos, etc. Pero en el contrato final con el Departamento de Defensa tienen que estar especificados todos los dems posibles incentivos,  que son opcionales.   Quà © beneficios no se tienen por alistarse en el Ejà ©rcito Es muy comà ºn creer los siguientes 2 errores: En primer lugar, que se puede elegir el servicio. Esto no es asà ­. Es cierto que se tendrn en cuenta las preferencias del soldado u oficial pero al final se acabar en el servicio que decide el Ejà ©rcito. Y en segundo lugar, no es correcta la creencia de que los veteranos que en el pasado sirvieron en el Ejà ©rcito tienen cubierto al 100 por cien el seguro mà ©dico. Esto no es asà ­ aunque son muchos los reclutadores que asà ­ lo manifiestan.   A tener en cuenta sobre el Servicio Selectivo En la actualidad, servir en el Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos es voluntario, es decir, no hay obligacià ³n de prestar el servicio militar.   Sin embargo, todos varones ciudadanos e inmigrantes entre los 18 y los 25 aà ±os de edad sà ­ que deben registrarse para el Servicio Selectivo. Esto afecta a grupos tan variados como los indocumentados presentes en Estados Unidos como a los ciudadanos estadounidenses que residen habitualmente en otro paà ­s.   Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Ethical Decision Making Process within the Law Enforcement Thesis Proposal

The Ethical Decision Making Process within the Law Enforcement Organization.An Examination of Inappropriate Unethical Behavior from Law Enforcement Officers while Working within the Communities - Thesis Proposal Example Ethical decision-making was to be treated as an essential area of concern among the local law and security enforcement agencies. One would be left to ask a number of questions that may lack a readymade answer. Why do law enforcement officers and security personnel engage in the unethical behaviour? What is the role of ethical decision making in addressing the vices of corruption and abuse of power among the police force? Is there a relationship between training and behaviour? What perception do the communities hold toward the conduct of law enforcement officers? These and many other frequently asked questions require answers that may only come along through a detailed study of the subject matter. Corruption, abuse of power, assault of women and other vulnerable groups during times of calamities have been manifest features of almost every law enforcing agency in the world. The security and other law enforcing groups have severally been reported to have used more force on the ordinary people than stipulated in the law (Caldero, Crank & Crank, 2014). The result of the tainted name of the law enforcement officers has been the fear and resentment by the communities that have fallen victims of circumstances in this regard. One would wonder the ethical picture manifested when ordinary people express their distrust and lack of confidence in a group that should perform a role that is paramount to peaceful human existence. Is it because of lack of proper training on the ethical standards and codes of moral conduct in the course of discharging their duties or is it a culture that has gradually made its roots in the system? Corrective measures are urgently needed to redeem the tainted r eputation and public image of the law enforcement and security agencies. The problem that has been identified is an increase of activity in unethical decision making by law enforcement officers on duty while serving within designated communities

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Urban planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Urban planning - Essay Example There is a group that argues that transportation is to serve land uses in order to support economic activity, on the other hand there is a group claiming that whatever capacity is given to the public, is filled up soon. In the end there is no gain because the same level of congestion manifests again. This problem can be better understood by focusing on the use demand that Pacific we target it elasticity. Historically speaking demand forecasts for urban transportation planning have been largely based on exogenous variables (Federal Highway Administration A-1). These variables included population, employment, income and land use (Federal Highway Administration A-1). Once these variables are states results the case specific point estimating traffic volume in the future. In this case demand is influenced by neither the money price nor the transportation infrastructure. Exogenous variables are the sole driving force here. There is also a concept that disagrees with the notion. It claims that additional capacity stimulates the increase in demand. This notion relies on the premise that as soon as a highway is built people will come for it. This notion is based on latent demand suggesting that the willing buyers will show their demand for traveling as soon as there is an opportunity. San Francisco Bay area is prospering from economic growth and is likely to show signs of population growth (Pallagst 1). The growth in population demands growth in facilities. Growth management have attracted a lot of critique and praise since it appeared as a distinct concept of planning in 1960s (Pallagst 1). The roots of this concept can be traced back to the environmental movement. It is strange to note that many growth management plans do not align with other growth promoting planning developments in the United States (Pallagst 2). By the increase urban sprawl growth management researchers have gotten real busy (Pallagst 2). To

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Compare and discuss contrast Essay Example for Free

Compare and discuss contrast Essay 1. Launched non-complete version of their website. Consumers get very annoyed when the e-commerce website they are trying to shop does not work. In software related commerce, one of the biggest complaints from users is insufficient testing for bugs before marketing to the public. 2. Annoying pop-up windows and Cumbersome Interface The multiple pop-ups further slowed down user download times and took away the sense of user control. When making a purchase most consumers prefer to make their own decision without pressure from pushy salesmen. From personal experience, most consumers prefer to seek out information as needed instead of having it pop up in another window. 3. Miss Boo, Shopping Assistant This virtual shopping assistant seemed crazy. Why did Miss Boo say Tie me up, tie me down in a shoe that looks like its been attacked? This irrational verbiage symbolized the dementia in design that was systemic in the website. When the company icon/mascot says irrational things it reduces consumer confidence in the products and services provided in the website. 4. Usability In case, there was a big disconnection between the bandwidth required to run the website multimedia and actual bandwidth of average consumers. Consumers simply did not have the bandwidth to shop at Boo. com, or the right program (Macromedia Flash) to load the images. People were not ready for the excessive graphics, movies, audio, and video. * Unable to alter customer buying behavior Boo. com was unable to attract customers in large numbers, nor was it able to generate a sufficient level of repeat customer from the small number of clients that did use its services. Few people are happy to buy clothes without first trying them on, which represented a fundamental problem for Boo. D. What could Boo. com have done differently that might made it a success? * Technology First Solutions The technology that was supposed to power Boo. com did not work. As with everything else, the concept for its Web site was extraordinarily ambitious, with complex global distribution and multiple currencies and dazzling interactive features. And it was to have been built from scratch, something the technology team came to realize was difficult, if not impossible. Management spending was unprecedented for a dot. com. By the time the site was supposed to go live in May 1999, Boo. com had run up a $600,000 bill from Hill Knowlton, the companys public relations firm, mostly for setting up lunches with fashion editors for the founders. Hill Knowlton threatened to stop working for Boo. com because the firm was not paid on time. Ms. Leander, a former Elite model who was also Boo. coms marketing chief, hired Roman Coppola, Francis Ford Coppolas son, to direct the companys TV ads, featuring nerdy young people in urban chic clothing, which were part of a $42 million campaign for the big introduction. That included $25 million worth of advertising in magazines, newspapers, and billboards. Many employees said they received a mobile phone, a Palm hand-held device and an American Express card. Salaries were high for a dot-com on the make. III. Compare and discuss contrast between Staples. com Boo. com Usability It has been obvious from day one on the Web that what people want is fast downloading, information rich websites. Speed is a critical factor that drives Web usage. When people come to a website they are invariably looking for information. They dont want to hang around. They dont want to be left waiting. The best website is the one that gets them the right content fastest. In general, usability was a big issue for Boo. Consumers did not have the bandwidth to shop at Boo. com, or the right program (Macromedia Flash) to load the images. During then, the common folk were not ready for the excessive graphics, movies, audio, and video. Also, the annoyance of Miss Boo, their online helper, also detracted people from shopping at Boo. com. As more problems arose, Boo forgot about their customers. Staples. com has not committed the same mistake. It has built a portal based on what customer wants, content rich and fast downloading. This was clearly indicated by Staples. com portal recent won of a prestigious award for best business-to-business site from MIMC, the Massachusetts Interactive Media Council. (www. boston. internet. com/news/article. php/494001).   Convenience Feedback from customer commented that Boo web site was very complicated to navigate through, which meant that it was very difficult to make comparisons between the different brands that were stocked. According to Mori (2000) the ability to find product information and to compare prices is a very attractive feature for Internet shoppers. The Staples. com web site on the other hand has been designed for usability, reduced clicks, time-saving navigational tools, and personalized time-saving features for quick access. * Interaction Interaction is the means of relationship-building with individual customers by providing timely pre-sales information and excellent after-sales support. Boo. com has no strategy of building up customer relationship. The company suffered from very low rates of customer retention. Staples. com offers tremendous online resources that provide personalized, right time customer information. When you place an order, Staples encourages you to sign up for e-mail reminders, which will be sent to you BEFORE you run out. Once you receive the e-mail you can access Staples. com directly, buy what you need and your new supplies will be on their way. Product matchmaker- products are listed specific to the customer personal equipment. Plus, order history and a favorite shopping basket will keep track of items that are continuously purchased for fast checkout! This strategy clearly scored a big plus in term of building good relationship with their customer. * Brand Image For any new start up, making itself known is a big challenge. In Boo. com case, it spent relentlessly to create it brand image. The management committed $25 million to an advertising budget, a huge sum for a start-up. The company chose to advertise in expensive but trendy fashion magazines such as Vanity Fair as well as on cable television and the Internet. Staples. com has an easier path for it inherited the brand name from its parent company Staples Inc. * Vision or Strategy The creators Boo. com had a great vision, but failed to support that with a good strategy. First, the company had failed to consider potential competition from its main competitors who have strong brand name such as Lands End, and Nordstrom. Second, it is evident that little market research was done as Boo. com strived to sell a good (clothing) that was hard to sell on the Internet. As for most shoppers, they prefer to touch, feel, and try on clothes before buying it. Third, they failed to consider their resources as they launched their websites simultaneously in several countries. Staples. com has both a vision and good strategy. It has established a vision of creating outstanding customer service through a great Web experience. With this vision, it laid the strategy foundation that the key to online success and increased market share was to make its e-commerce site as usable as possible. Staples wanted the site to be customer-driven: to support customer needs in an easy-to-use, intuitive way. Conclusion There would be various reasons for failure in EC such as lack of funding, incorrect revenue model, and so much more, but typically, no business model should ever ignore the golden rule customer satisfaction. Strategic planning clarifies what an EC project should do or focus on with respect to the companys mission and the given business environment. To start or to survive companies must learn from the lesson of others failure and successful stories. Appendix A: Critical Success factors (Extract from: http://www. e-bc. ca/) Critical Success Factor Definition Competitive Advantage 1. Convenience The usability of the web site for the purpose for which it was designed: for example, to assist, buying or selling, to find information, to track a process. Users find it easy to carry out the process, so they are more likely to use the site and return to it. 2. Brand Image The ability to build up a brand name for the e-commerce business, and its products and services, using online and offline brand-building techniques. The more awareness a business can generate for its site, the greater the volume of traffic and potential for sales. 3. Interaction The means of relationship-building with individual customers by providing timely pre-sales information and excellent after-sales support. The business builds up a critical mass of loyal customers. Reference: 1. e-business infrastructure: Lessons from failure, Computer Finance, Dec 2000, p11 2. Mack, Ann M. , Stayin Alive, Adweek Eastern Edition, 06/12/2000, Vol. 41 Issue 24, p68 3. Turban, Efraim, King, David. , Lee. , Warkentin, Merill. , Chung, H. Michael. (2002) Electronic Commerce 2002: A Mangerial Perspective, Prentice Hall.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Coca Cola Essay -- Business and Management Studies

Coca Cola This essay is regarding the most famous soft drink in the world Coca Cola. Coca Cola was invented by Dr. John Pemberton on May 1886. Pemberton mixed the combination of lime, cinnamon, coca leaves, and the seeds of a Brazilian shrub to make the beverage. As time goes by, Coca Cola company has already become the world’s largest company and the leader of soft drink producers. Why the company did so successful over one hundred years? Besides the reason that the product is very tasty, another important reason is the company’s marketing strategy. The 4 ‘P’s (i.e. product, price, place, promotion) will be talked about as following. PRODUCT The Coca Cola Company has almost 400 brands of beverage. It markets four of the world's top five soft drink brands (Classic, Sprite etc). Consumers in nearly 200 countries enjoy The Coca Cola company’s products every day. The original and the best sell brand is Classic. It probably is the most people’s first choice. However, The Company does not rely on solely brand; it is keep developing new brand to satisfy consumer’s need. For instance, in response to the burgeoning popularity of low-carbohydrate diet, Coca Cola developed a low-carbohydrate alternative to Coke classic, which is called Coca Cola C2. It went on sale in Canada in August 2004. Brand recognition is also important. Coca Cola uses white text on a red background, with the words being quite bold. It is really attract consumers. There are varieties types of packaging available, such as 2 L bottle package, 1 L bottle package 24 can package, 12 can package and 8can package etc. Usually, most 1 L bottle packages are sold in vending machine. PRICE Coca cola is based on adaptive pricing strategy. It allow different stores set different prices. It also uses odd pricing strategy. For example, a 24-can package of Coke classic is $8.99 rather than $9.00. 2L Coke classic is $0.99, and so on. Sometimes, Coke offers special prices, like if customers buy three 12-can packages Coke for only $10.00. Coca Cola can creates low price, because it recycles the used cans, and has high-tech production line with massive production. PROMOTION Coca cola has some impressive advertising on TV. And, there is some contests for customers. For example, the company set a couple of million prize, after customers purchased Coke, the... ... as original one. The price of the Coke product may keep constant, even though the Coca Cola company will face inflation problem. In the mean time, the high-tech producing line should take over old one, and reduce the cost as low as possible, then, using cost-oriented pricing strategy. It will let Coke classic’s price more competitive to appeal my target market. I will make the promotion in happy and peaceful style. Sports can also used in promotion, for example, young adultsÂ’ favorite sport- hockey. With the increasing young adults’ population, I will use intensive distribution, and put Coke classic into as many place connected with young adults as possible such as restaurant, bars, and postsecondary school, and so on. It is possible to gain more Market share. WORKS CITED Statistics Canada Home Page. 28 July 2004. Statistics Canada’s Internet Site. 9 October 2004 . Coca Cola Home Page. 2003. The Coca Cola Company. 9 October 2004 The Beverage Net Work Home Page. â€Å"Beverage Digest/Maxwell Ranks U.S. Soft Drink Industry for 2003.† 4 March 2004., Inc. 9 October 2004. <>.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cheesecake Factory Research Proposal Essay

People eating habits have changed over years triggered by changes in lifestyles. Snacks have become typical food for majority of the working people first because little time is spent to eat them and peoples tendency to like sweet things. Social occasions have also increased and nice food has been adopted as the food to serve. Cheesecake factory is a U. S company dealing with restaurant services. The company currently operates about 200 dinner units and it intends to double this. The company has registered increased sales since its establishment indicating good business. Market information is important for any company intending to enter new markets. Such information would reveal competitors’ information and other products in the market. The information would help establish customers’ preferences, the economic well being of people customer royalties and rate with which this can change. This data informs the entrant company to strategize on their marketing so that they would draw customers to themselves and retain them. Market research involves an organized process of gathering relevant market information and coming up with results that would inform decision-making. Market research has successfully contributed to new business and the existing ones in a move to expand their business (James, 2002). For Cheesecake factory to manage to penetrate in the markets they intend to enter, they need to carry out a market research survey to gather data on several products and customer preferences. The main objectives of the study are to identify peoples’ economic well being, to find out peoples eating habits, the preferred eating junctions. The study would the decision to enter the new markets or otherwise. Differences in preferences by gender and age would also be determined and help the company know what products to produce for which groups. These are the hypothesis of the survey. First null hypothesis is that the population of the market under consideration comprises mainly of youth, people less than 25 years and the older people above 54 years. Hypothesis two is that majority in the population under survey have an income of less than $75000 per month. Hypothesis three is that people do not participate much in social occasions like family get tog ethers and in other festive celebrations. The other hypothesis is that people avoid prefer sweet foods. Hypothesis five is that people have no preferred eating junction. The alterative hypotheses are indicted below: one, majority of the population is aged 25 –54 years. Two, most household incomes are at least $75000 per month. Three that people in these populations are favorites of participating in social ceremonies. Four, majority of people prefer sweet foods availed at restaurants. Fifth, that people prefer restaurants and other fast food junctions. This last hypothesis would provide date on specific junctions within the areas under study that would also indicate preferred competitors. The reasons for such preference would also be outlived In order to obtain data from all the age groups, quota sampling would be used. The study would require certain numbers of people from certain age groups to be defined by gender so that we obtain representative sample sizes for both sexes. Stratified sampling procedure would be employed to define the locations from which certain numbers of respondents are required. The population in this methodology is divided into strata each stratum representing a people with common characteristics. Such characteristics could be by income levels, which determine where a person chooses to stay. There are some areas for high-income people, middle-income people and low-income people, all of whose data we need. These methodologies will enable the study gather information from all groups. It also helps in avoiding bias that would result from collecting data from only one group. The various in the study will be classified with regard to whether they are demographic, economic, opinions or otherwise. Some economic variables are household income levels per month, occupation of the respondent, amount spent on food products per month. The occupation of the respondent would in this case be an independent variable while income levels would be dependent variable. Other variables are the frequency of a respondent to participate in social gatherings such as friends’ parties. These variables could partly be related with income levels and the classification with whether they are independent or not would depend on the test being performed. Other variables of interests, demographic are sex, age or the respondent marital status all of which are independents variables. The area of residence is also important. The family size of the respondent is also an important variable on independent one. Other important variables are preferred types of foods, eating junctions, reasons for preference of certain eating. Another important variable will be people’s choice of T. V channels and radio stations. Other media habits that should be studied are newspaper and magazines reading habits. These variables, independent, would help the company know in which media to post advertisement to effectively reach the potential customers. The analysis of the data would be aimed at identifying media habits. The analysis should show associations between various variables that interact and the strength of such association. The analysis should answer such questions as: do more ladies than gentlemen prefer certain food types? Is there association between one’s income level and frequency of participating in social gatherings? Does marital status influence one’s choice for place to live? The analysis should also indicate the preferences of the population within certain age groups. The proportion of the population outside the one targeted should be known. Several statistical tools would be used to these tests such as chi square test, T- test, and Wilcoxon test among others (Birn, 2004). The purpose of any research is to obtain data that will help in decision-making. The results obtained from the analysis would help the company determine whether to enter the market under study of not. If the results indicate that a population has higher percentage of the very young and the very old, such a market should be avoided. A market whose population has a higher number of low-income earners should also be avoided. If a company is to establish business in these markets, it should be advised to locate its business in areas where people of high income reside. The company should also be advised to engage in products that are most preferred people especially during functions. Associations between variables would help establish the factors that influence the decisions at the customer. If association is found to exist between gender and preferred food types the company would market different products to the different sexes. Upon finding the reasons why certain food junctions or restaurants are preferred, the company should aim to offer better services than the competitors. By finding out how much people spend on food, the company would know the prices it would fix to their products to enable them to get customers as well as estimate the duration within which it should expect returns on its investment. A lot more information can be fetched from the analysis of the data. This means that the Cheesecake Company would reap more benefits by carrying out a survey as above explained. The secondary sources would help establish the other costs that would be incurred like licensing fees and government regulations. Other factors that may affect the business are security and the ease of getting space. Research is therefore necessary for the success of the company in all markets under consideration.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Accounting Software Installation Project

The Accounting Software Installation Project (from Larson, E. E. , and Gray, C. F. , 2011 Project Management – the managerial process, fifth edition p441) Sitting in her office, Karin Chung is reviewing the past four months of the large corporate accounting software installation project she has been managing. Everything seemed so well planned before the project started. Each company division had a task force that provided input into the proposed installation along with potential problems. All the different divisions had been trained and briefed on exactly how their division would interface and use the forthcoming accounting software.All six contractors, which included one of the Big Five consulting companies, assisted in developing the work breakdown structure—costs, specifications, time. Karin hired a consultant to conduct a one-day â€Å"partnering† workshop attended by the major accounting heads, a member of each task force group, and key representatives from each of the contractors. During the workshop, several different team-building exercises were used to illustrate the importance of collaboration and effective communication. Everyone laughed when Karin fell into an imaginary acid pit during a human bridge-building exercise.The workshop ended on an upbeat note with everyone signing a partnering charter that expressed their commitment to working together as partners to complete the project. TWO MONTHS LATER One task force member came to Karin to complain that the contractor dealing with billing would not listen to his concerns about problems that could occur in the Virginia division when billings are consolidated. The contractor had told him, the task force member, he had bigger problems than consolidation of billing in the Virginia division.Karin replied, â€Å"You can settle the problem with the contractor. Go to him and explain how serious your problem is and that it will have to be settled before the project is completed. † Later in the week in the lunchroom she overheard one consulting contractor bad-mouthing the work of another—â€Å"never on time, interface coding not tested. † In the hallway the same day an accounting department supervisor told her that tests showed the new software will never be compatible with the Georgia division’s accounting practices.While concerned, Karin considered these problems typical of the kind she had encountered on other smaller software projects. Case FOUR MONTHS LATER The project seemed to be falling apart. What happened to the positive attitude fostered at the team-building workshop? One contractor wrote a formal letter complaining that another contractor was sitting on a coding decision that was delaying their work. The letter went on: â€Å"We cannot be held responsible or liable for delays caused by others. The project was already two months behind, so problems were becoming very real and serious. Karin finally decided to call a meeting of all parties to the project and partnering agreement. She began by asking for problems people were encountering while working on the project. Although participants were reluctant to be first for fear of being perceived as a complainer, it was not long before accusations and tempers flared out of control. It was always some group complaining about another group.Several participants complained that others were sitting on decisions that resulted in their work being held up. One consultant said, â€Å"It is impossible to tell who’s in charge of what. † Another participant complained that although the group met separately on small problems, it never met as a total group to assess new risk situations that developed. Karin felt the meeting had degenerated into an unrecoverable situation. Commitment to the project and partnering appeared to be waning. She quickly decided to stop the meeting and cool things down.She spoke to the project stakeholders: â€Å"It is clear that we h ave some serious problems, and the project is in jeopardy. The project must get back on track, and the backbiting must stop. I want each of us to come to a meeting Friday morning with concrete suggestions of what it will take to get the project back on track and specific actions of how we can make it happen. We need to recognize our mutual interdependence and bring our relationships with each other back to a win/win environment. When we do get things back on track, we need to figure out how to stay on track. †

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Top 7 Highest Paying Nursing Jobs

Top 7 Highest Paying Nursing Jobs So you want to be nurse. Or you are already working as one and are not feeling challenged enough. Or you’d just like to advance further in your career. Here are the top 7 highest paying nursing jobs  with some of the top salaries in each field:1. Nurse PractitionerYou’ll need more clinical training than a regular nurse, plus a master’s or doctorate degree, but your purview in the medical community would be so much broader. NPs function more or less as primary care physicians. You’d be able to order and interpret tests, write prescriptions, etc.If you’re super adept at patient care and a desire to be in a decision-making role, and you have a great head for medicine, this would be a great pick for you. And, you can make about $79k per year.2. Orthopedic NurseReally into all things musculoskeletal? This could be the job for you. You’d work directly with patients recovering from illnesses or injuries, and also help to educate their loved ones.Y ou’ll need to pass an ASN or BSN exam, plus the NCLEX-RN, but you can make about $81k per year. You’ll also have the option to pursue an additional certification from the Orthopedic Nurses Certificate Board.3. Pediatric EndocrinologyYou’ll need to be a licensed RN who is very good working with children, and then you’ll want to bone up on endocrinology a bit, but that’s easily done through job training, continuing education, and self-study, and you’ll expect to earn around $81k per year.4. Certified Nurse MidwifeA CNM doesn’t just deliver babies. CNMs counsel women throughout their entire reproductive lives. You’ll need a bachelor’s degree, plus you’ll have to pass a national certification exam and acquire a state license where you live, but this career can be quite rewarding. Expect to earn about $85k per year.5. Psychiatric NPIf you’ve got nerves of steel and plenty of compassion for mental illness, plus y ou already have what it takes to be an NP, this could be great specialization for you. It requires a great deal of preparation, beginning with an MS in Nursing with a psychiatry focus and becoming board certified, but the annual salary will be around $95k per year.6. Nurse ResearcherLove nursing, but no so great with patients? That’s okay! Work on the research side and focus more on data collection and analyzing. You’ll be making life better for both patients and your fellow nurses, but you won’t have to spend nearly as much time on your bedside manner.You’ll need an MS in Nursing, plus a PhD in Nursing, but then you can make up to $95k per year.7. Certified Registered Nurse AnesthetistThese are the big leagues of nursing. You’ll need at least 7 years of education to reach this level, but the compensation will be sweet- about $130k per year. If you’re already an RN, you’ll need an additional master’s in the subject, plus nation al certification and licensing, plus you’ll have to commit to at least 40 hours of continuing education every two years to keep your credentials.Don’t pick just based on salary. Really weigh your strengths and passions and then get ready to do the hard work involved in specializing as a nurse. Believe us, it will pay off.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Complete Guide to AP US Government FRQs

The Complete Guide to AP US Government FRQs SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Free-response questions on the AP US Government exam are more straightforward than those on some other AP tests, but they can still be tough if you're not ready for them. In this guide, I'll lay out a step-by-step method for answering AP Government FRQs, go through a real example, and tell you where you can find additional practice resources. AP Government Free-Response Section Format The free-response section has four questions total, each of which is worth an equal percentage of your score.You’ll have an hour and 40 minutes to answer these questions, which means you should spend no more than 20-25 minutes on each of them.Each question is typically worth between 5-7 raw points, and the free-response section as a whole makes up 50 percent of your score.All the free-response questions have pretty much the same format, so it's one of the simpler AP free-response sections overall. Free-response questions on this exam will ask you to integrate your knowledge of the various content areas covered by the course.This includes analyzing political events in the US, discussing examples, and demonstrating your understanding of general principles of US government and politics.You'll also be asked to examine data from charts, define key terms, and explain the roles that different parts of our government play in the political system. AP Government FRQs: Step-By-Step Solution Process This section provides a step-by-step process for answering any question on the AP US Government exam.Here’s a sample question that I’ll reference throughoutso that you can see how these steps might work in practice: Step 1: Read the Introduction to the Question Most questions on this test will have an introductory sentence or two before they break down into parts that you need to answer.This will give you background information and a general sense of what to expect in the rest of the question.Some questions are accompanied by images or charts (as we will see in the example section).If that’s the case, you should also take a second here to review the graphics and make sure you understand what they’re showing. If you want, you can read the intros to all the questions before choosing where to begin. It may help to build your confidence and improve your efficiency to start with a question that’s easier for you.In the sample question, you would note from the introduction that the question is going to be dealing with the role of political parties in US government.The intro also tells us that political parties have recently gained influence in Congress while losing influence in the actual election process. Step 2: Identify (and Underline, If You Want) the Command Verb For each part of each question, you’re given specific instructions on the type of answer that is expected.These instructions include verbs like â€Å"identify†, â€Å"explain†, â€Å"describe†, â€Å"define†, and â€Å"compare.† It’s important to be aware of exactly what the question is asking you to do so that you can earn full points.These command verbs are the first words you should zero in on as you read.If you think it will help keep you focused, you can even underline them as you go through the question. In part a of the sample question, the command verb is â€Å"describe.†This indicates that you need to do more than just state an important function of political parties; you need to expand on exactly what it is.In parts c and d, the command verb changes to â€Å"explain†, which means you’ll need to include even more elaboration in your answer on how certain factors have affected party politics. Step 3: Address All the Potential Points After finding the command verb in the part of the question you’re answering, take note of how many examples or descriptions you need to provide.Each of them will almost always correspond to a point in your raw score for the question.Be careful to answer the question thoroughly but directly, addressing all of these points in a way that will make it easy for graders to assess your response.You don’t need to write an essay for these free-response questions. Just go straight for the answer to avoid ambiguity. For part a of the sample question, you’re asked to describe two important functions of political parties, which means that part a is almost certainly worth two points.You need to make sure you provide two distinct functions and make it easy for the grader to award points foryour answer.If you go through the rest of the question, it looks like there are five raw points available in total:two for part a, one for part b, two for part c, and one for part d.Write your answer carefully so you can scoop up all of them! Step 4: Reread Your Answer Finally, reread what you wrote to ensure that it makes sense and addresses the question completely.Did you give the correct number of descriptions/examples/identifications? Does your answer directly respond to what the question is asking overall?If you’re satisfied, move onto the next part of the question and return to step 2! AP Government FRQ Example Now, I’ll go through the answers to a real AP Government free-response question from the 2013 exam to show you what your responses should look like: First, let’s consider the chart and the introductory sentence for this question.It looks like we’re comparing the distribution of judicial appointments by gender and ethnicity for two different presidents. For part a, you are asked to describe one way in which the judicial appointments of Obama and Bush were similar.You might say that in both cases more than half of the appointees were white, with Obama at 59 percent and Bush at 82 percent white.You could also say that the percentage of Hispanic nominees was similar for each president or that in both cases Asian American nominees were the rarest of all the ethnic groups.You would earn one point for this part of the question if you included either of those responses. For part b, you are asked to describe two differences between the presidents in their judicial appointments.One difference you might point out is that a significantly larger percentage of Obama’s nominees were women - almost half compared to Bush’s mere 22 percent.A second difference is that Obama appointed a greater percentage of candidates from racial minorities. For example, 22 percent of his appointees were African American as compared to Bush’s 7 percent.You could earn two points for part b, one for each difference between the two sets of nominees. Part c asks you to explain how party affiliation impacts judiciary nominations.You might say that the President often chooses nominees with similar views who will adhere to his policy preferences.This typically means people who belong to the same political party as the President.You could also say that the President tends to choose nominees who will make his party’s electoral base happy and lead to victories in future elections.Part c was worth one point. Finally, part d asks you to describe what a President can do to increase the likelihood that his federal court nominees will be confirmed.Possible answers to part d include: Consulting with the Senate/using senatorial courtesy Selecting a moderate candidate in the first place Properly vetting candidates and choosing people who are highly qualified You would earn one point for this part of the question if you described any one of these methods.Notice that this question was worth a total of five raw points, which is probably the lowest raw point value you’ll see on any of the AP US Government free-response questions.However, a lower raw point value doesn’t mean it’s worth any less in your final scaled score; each free-response question is equally important on this test. Even people who make extremely important decisions, like federal judges, are appointed partially based on their political favorability. How to Practice AP US Government Free-Response Questions There are several resources that you can use to hone your skills in answering AP Government FRQs. Official College Board Resources The College Board site hosts free-response questions from previous tests that you can use for practice.Questions that come from tests administered between 2004 and 2015 are accompanied by scoring guidelines, so you can check your answers and tally up how many points you would have earned.These are the best sample free-response questions you can get because you know for sure that they accurately represent what you’ll see on the real test.The questions from 2002 and 2003 don’t have scoring guidelines, so be aware that you won’t be able to check the official answers if you choose to use them. Review Books Review books can also be good resources for free response practice although they tend to vary in quality.The Princeton Review book for AP Gov includes five full practice tests, so there should be plenty of free response questions that you can use to practice your skills.The Barron’s review book also has a couple of practice tests and extra free response questions that may be useful for practice. If you don’t want to buy the book, you can also takeBarron’s free online practice test for AP Gov, which includes free-response questions and scoring guidelines.If you use these free-response questions for practice, just be sure to intersperse them with official questions from the College Board so that you maintain an accurate sense of what to expect on the real test. Review books can be great resources for free-response and multiple-choice practice questions and for test-taking strategies that you may not have discovered on your own. Conclusion The four free-response questions on the AP US Government exam can be approached methodically to earn the maximum number of points. Read the introduction to the question first so you can get your bearings. Then, for each of the separate parts, identify the command verb, address all aspects of the question, and double check your answer for missing pieces and careless errors. I'd suggest practicing at least a few free response questions before heading into the exam. The best resource to use is the College Board website, which has an archive of past questions accompanied by answer guidelines. These questions are pretty simple compared to the free-response questions on other AP tests once you get the hang of them! What's Next Not sure where to begin in studying for the test as a whole? Read our five-step plan that will help you prepare to take on any AP test. If you're missing some of your notes that you need to study for AP Gov, check out this article with links to all the content you need to know for the test. Do you have a target score in mind for this exam? Learn more about what it takes to earn a 5 on an AP test and whether you should aim for one yourself. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Energy Independence Psychology Personal Statement

Energy Independence Psychology - Personal Statement Example President Obama’s rhetoric about the green economy and independence from foreign energy producers is just that—rhetoric. Sadly, the President has played politics with this issue, refusing to pursue energy programs at home that would open up domestic sources of oil and gas. This is unfortunate especially because it means America is investing in a phantom â€Å"green† sector of the economy that is nowhere near to be being ready to take on the major demands of those who require energy The truth is that America has more than enough natural gas and oil within its own domestic territory to fuel this country for a long time to come. Those who refuse to recognize this are living with their heads in the sand. They need to wake up and begin to see that we have everything we need within our own country. I for one would like to see more drilling done in Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico. America must start providing its own energy rather than relying on Arab dictators. Green energy projects across the U.S. are going bust (Paugh). There are a number of psychological reasons why people might endorse Obama’s green economy ideas. There is sometimes an information bias when it comes to politics. People often get caught up in their own world. They only read newspapers which they agree with and will only watch TV shows where the speakers tell them what they want to hear.